About Me

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Ashley and I live in beautiful Eugene, Oregon with my hubby, Ric.  We are excited to have now hit the 10 year mark!  Craziness.  And no, we don't have kids, and I intend to keep it that way. :)

I often think I am the typical Libra, when I know what I want, that is what I will get, and when I know I am right, I am stubborn as can be. But when I am unsure, I have to weigh both sides...and can be very indecisive. 

Aside from that, I love to craft and love to garden, and love the environment. In the last 5 years or so I have become more interested in politics, which is great because I can love it AND hate it...perfect for a Libra. ;) And now this is the field that I work in for a great conservation minded political organization, which allows me to help the environment in Oregon and get my political fix, too.

I hope you enjoy my blog.  It is a mix of the things that I love, the things that I am involved in, and a great way to stay in touch with people I care about.

Drop me a line anytime at amiller37@gmail.com
