Thursday, May 31, 2012

Whoopsy! It's been a few...

Wow!  I have had an interesting month!  I have gotten way behind about posting, but I promise I am back!

I have all kinds of things to tell you....but have not yet written it all up.  For now I will share my lovely bike ride home yesterday!  We don't have a ton of sun here in Eugene....but days like this is what makes you forget all the rainy days!

From downtown Eugene I can take the bike path along the Willamette River almost all the way to my house.

So pretty!  

Pulling over for pics on my bright orange cruiser.  (Apparently I need to take care of the rust on the handlebars.)

Hope you are getting to go out and enjoy some good weather.


Monday, May 7, 2012

The things I do for my chickens....

Well....I have yet to finish the fencing project to keep my chickens out of my garden.  This new fencing project culminated from 2 things: 1) The 2nd time the chickens figured their way out their run and ate all my new plants and 2) the snowstorm here ruined all kinds of bushes in the yard.  

So I began putting together a fence from the broken bushes.  But it is taking much longer than I had initially planned, and I had purchased some plants that just could not wait any longer to be planted.

So...I planted them all in containers and put them in the front yard.  

Pepper, garlic, and basil....

Peas in the foreground, more basil in the middle and hard to see, but greens in the back.

And more peas and some chard mixed in.

I hope they do good! I guess they will do better than in the back yard with the chickens! hehe  

We shall see if I can get the garden fence into shape soon so I can plant tomatoes, corn and squash!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Instagram fun

It has been really busy at work right now, and will be for the next week and a half.  So, thought I'd share some of my Instagram photos that I have taken this week.

I love Instagram, but often forget to use it.  But I am getting better. ;)

I thought this ducky was too cute.  Just standing there all tall and cute in Salem, Oregon on a work trip.

Look at how big this Ball Jar is!  This store display gets me all excited to actually can some things this year!

A few of the plants that are waiting for their new home in my garden.  That is, if I ever finish the little fence to keep the chickens out!

And finally, check out my awesome new Sharpie collection!  I am so excited about this!  Can't wait to play with these more.  And, I got the new fabric pens!  

I am working all weekend, but going to try and take breaks to find fun things to take pics of.  Need some kinds of creative outlet while working!

Happy Instagramming!
