Just wanted to let you all know I am still around, but have been caught up in work. First we had our big annual fundraiser with over 1,100 people (whew!)....
So fun! And then I was off to Michigan to do some learning and networking at the national conference. I got to go to Grand Rapids, drink some local craft beer, and also see Lake Michigan!
The view of the river from the hotel....
It had recently flooded there, so the river is still very high.
And can you believe this is a lake? Lake Michigan was gorgeous. It felt like I was back at the Oregon coast!
Finally, I have been fully engaged in an election on the coast, in Newport, and I am working hard to get good things done there to help protect the ocean and the environment. But that has taken up evenings and weekends...so come May 21st, I will be all yours again!
It was a wonderful day yesterday to hit the streets in Newport and talk to voters.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I am still alive and hoping to get back to the regularly scheduled postings soon!