Sunday, August 8, 2010

Done with the afghan, and other news!

I am finally done with my granny square afghan!  I am so excited, especially because I feel like I can now work on something new.

Before I show it off, I am also excited to say that my hubby finally got his money to go to China!  I don't know if I brought this up before, but we had been waiting on his financial aid to come through for his trip.  He got it this last Weds and we got his tickets.  I am so excited for him!  He will be staying at the Nine Dragons hostel in Beijing for the first 2 weeks and then traveling throughout China to learn kung fu and Chinese.  We can even follow his new travel blog here!

Also, I am going to get to run in the Eugene Women's Half marathon  in less than a month!  I am back up to 6 miles without dying, so should be ok if I keep pushing the next 27 days!

Ok, so here are the pics of the afghan!

It is sort of like a twin size, but great for sitting on the couch!  I always seem to have trouble with lighting when I take pics, though...

A close up...

Have a great rest of your weekend!  



  1. Hi Ash - Please send Congratulations to Ric from us - I had trouble trying to post a comment on his blog just now - it is probably something I am doing wrong. We know he will squeeze the most out of his trip that possibly he can! The afghan looks great by the way.

  2. Your afghan is way cool!! - Masha :)
