Today I have been thinking about farming and thought I'd share something farmy with you. I have also been thinking a lot about my chickens, as I lost my first chicken recently. I have no idea why, as the others appear to all be fine, but I have been a bit of a worry wart since the incident. So, I guess farming and chickens have been on the mind.
So when I found this lovely blog, Fresh Eggs Daily, I knew I had to share it with you all. It is a fun blog that talks about the fun of owning chickens and gives a lot of tips and tricks for the funny little girls.
For example, she has a great list of things not to feed to your chickens for various reasons.
This is a very good list, and goes further into the details than other lists I have found. Very helpful!
I also like that she shares photos documenting each week on the farm. I love to see farms and the funny animals that live on them, so it is super fun to see what goes the end of January on her farm....
Very cool. Someday I will have a couple horses. I hope.
And to top it off, she shares DIY's and recipes. I really need to try this clover french bread recipe! I love that she is a reader of Mary Jane's Farm, which is one of my new favorite magazines, and where she got the basis for this bread.
If you are feeling a little like checking out some farm living, like I have been, go check out this fun blog and say hello. And if you are thinking about getting chickens, do it! They are so much fun and you get the awesome reward of delicious, rich eggs.