Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New blogs and sites to check out-

So before I started this blog, I would go to blogs and sites and I would email myself notes on  It made it somewhat more difficult to check back in with these sites.  BUT NOW....I can keep track of the ones I love here!

For instance...a while back I started to get really enthused with felt and found this blog:

It then led me to all kinds of blogs from people who love felt.  It is soo much fun!

Also, a friend of mine has a blog called waxy pin that is great.  She has some great recipes and I am glad that I can follow what arts/crafts she is working on easier now!  Her site also turned me on to a site called SpoonFlower which is amazing....

Speaking of which,  I have recently found that I really like steampunk stuff.  It's a little funny, because my hubby tried to show me the steampunk stuff and I totally snubbed him.... Basically I told him it was silly.  Yet, little did I know, I was already looking at sites that had steampunk humor (like Wondermark, which I love!!) and I really do like it now.  So back to Spoonflower, they are having a contest this month for people to come up with fabric designs that are steampunk inspired.  I am trying to talk my sis into helping me do this....she is the serious artist (oh and her blog is HERE....) and I think it would be great fun!

Anyway, this is a very long winded way of saying...check out the new links!  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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